luxe loungewear

Its cold in my house, we dont have heating, and whilst I want to be warm and comfy I dont want to look like a complete slob. Loungewear is often never flattering but a few nicer jumpers or cardys, some nice tracksuit bottoms which fall well ( wide leg for me, no pockets) and comfy jeans are a staple. I wear jeans and jumpers most days, I slip on the uggs for inside ( you can wear them outside if you like) and when I am ready to go out just chuck on a leather jacket wahey. If I am in all day or have just got out of the bath its a nice pair of tracky bums and a jumper combo for some quality house time…
What do you wear to relax? I used to wear my old clothes but I actually appreciate nice relaxation clothes to wear it makes that part of my day all the more enjoyable.