This weeks goals

Frankly overall I am kicking my goals ass for the year. 

I’m down about 5kg

Been walking most days

Budget is in action! 

However the last few days have been miserable. Stress, tiredness and illness have gotten to me. I took a few days off the weight watchers plan- not to eat ridiculously but to eat to hunger and have had numerous rest days. This week I plan to get back on track. 

Walk daily with the girls

Do 3 X circuits! 

Do my aqua class ( I have been doing this weekly)

Give the house a good clean and scrub

Eat up all the fresh food in the fridge so none goes bad. 

Back to weight watchers tracking

Read a book!

Continue to budget hard. 
What are your goals this week?

Weight watchers round up

I used to post my progress on this little blog and did really well so maybe I will do again. 

I finished my first 10 days. I lost my way a little and ate some exercise points which isn’t really recommended but I don’t mind as I got more than double my target and don’t want to loose my milk. 

Ways to improve/ goals for week.

1 treat only per day

Continue walking 6 X week and add 2 toning sessions

Drink only water, 1 coffee and maybe find a good tea.

Add protein- the days I ate more I felt fuller and used lower points. 

Max 2 pieces bread a day and source carbs elsewhere – rice, couscous, wraps, crackers, pasta, oats! 

These are my goals for the next week. I am really happy with how I am going (1.5kg down) and am finding my way with the new program gradually.

Things i loved in February 

I quite like these posts and YouTube videos so thought I would write my own monthly post of things I loved over the month. 

1. Fifth leg wine- omg now Lottie settles at a predictable time and generally sleeps for a long period I can have a cheeky glass. I love a nice dry white and this fits the bill. 

2. Bio oil- working wonders on the chronic stretch marks/ tiger stripes / whatever you want to call them. Whilst many consider them a badge and wear them with pride I, whilst not being ashamed, look forward to them fading and this seems to help. 

3. Emma hardie cleansing balm- true love that’s all. 

4. Nip fab exfoliating pads- I am converted to chemical exfoliation now and these are so convenient. 

5. Body shop grapefruit sorbet- way less tacky than a moisturiser, smelling so fresh- it’s love! 

6. Jamberry nails- skeptical I was indeed. But these are fab they last over a week, even with my dodgy application, and require no drying. You can guarantee the one night you decide to do your nails you will have just painted them and a kiddo will need you! Problem solved. It’s also making me braver in my choices, rose gold sparkles anyone? 

7. My kitchen rules- need I say more! 
What have you been loving? 

Weight watchers smart points 

So weight watchers has a new system! For those of you that don’t know I lost weight in a really successful and relatively painless manner with weight watchers a few years ago. Now post babies I am reluctant to say I have regained it all because I am not in an unhealthy place, also my body takes a while to drop its pregnancy weight, but I do need to apply myself.

Weight watchers seemed a natural choice as it had worked well before. It also ticks many boxes for me when dieting with young girls in the house; not faddy, no food is off limits and it just seems to be a non event for me. What I mean is I log on, log food, make better choices and the weight goes, end of the matter. No conversations, revolutionary diet plans, numerous trips to the toilet or fads and no bad body image! 

I have been on plan for a week or so now and,it should be noted I have lots of extra points for breastfeeding, I couldn’t beleive just how many points I had. Then I couldn’t beleive how many points were in foods, or how many I got from my Fitbit data, or how none of them seemed available to eat. I have done research now on the new plan and I am completely onboard. These are my thoughts;

Do not eat your exercise points unless really needed- I am totally down with this. It took me years to undo my link between food and exercise and to exercise for its benefits. However if I do run a half I will just go off plan for that day.

You have more points- no bother to me a number is just that a number I can work with whatever you give me boss.

Zero point foods- are only zero, I beleive, when eaten whole. Green smoothies have points now. Which makes total sense as you could have a few fruit portions in one.

Food points have changed- they really have. One day I ate more protein and had points to spare, I thought it was perhaps because it was filling me but nope it’s because of how they are calculated. Apparently calories have no part in the calculation, it’s based on protein, fat, carbs, sugar, fiber etc to include how your body will metabolise them. I can see that whilst I have space for treats now at goal I will be eating very well in order to use my points wisely and I am really cool with this, Infact it completely aligns with what I want, loosing weight not just to be skinny but to be really healthy. 

Your weekly points are calculated based on age, details and how active you are.

Have you done the new plan? Would you? 

Holy grail item- Emma hardie cleansing balm

This is truly one of the things I have reached for again and again and again over the last year. The Emma hardie cleansing balm is gorgeous. It smells amazing, melts in, removes makeup and feels a little like luxury to this tired mama! 

My skin is normal erring on the side of dry and this works like a charm! 

I highly recommend giving this a whirl. Whilst it may seem a little more expensive than other cleansers you no longer need eye make up remover and some nights if exhausted this is all I use ( naughty naughty) and my skin has not suffered at all. 
Have you tried this? Would you try this?

Holy grail item- Emma hardie cleansing balm

This is truly one of the things I have reached for again and again and again over the last year. The Emma hardie cleansing balm is gorgeous. It smells amazing, melts in, removes makeup and feels a little like luxury to this tired mama! 

My skin is normal erring on the side of dry and this works like a charm! 

I highly recommend giving this a whirl. Whilst it may seem a little more expensive than other cleansers you no longer need eye make up remover and some nights if exhausted this is all I use ( naughty naughty) and my skin has not suffered at all. 
Have you tried this? Would you try this?

Cleansing and culling

imageI am doing a 30 day clearing challenge with my bestie. It’s really enjoyable as I love sending her snapchats of culled items and also messaging about how our houses will look like New York loft apartments when we are done (never going to happen I have kids)!

I am using the template she sent me from popsugar. I get satisfaction from ticking off daily.

when it comes to my clothes though whilst I have a few items which can go I really do love a lot of my clothes. I am still carrying baby weight and still breastfeeding, and hope to remain breastfeeding the best part of this year, so now is not the time to cull. I do, however, think I can be much more aware and not purchase items unless truly necessary so I end up with a much smaller selection by next year.

The same goes for beauty products. I have a relatively small stash, in blog terms, but far too much for just one person. At the same time I am reluctant to throw things I have never tried. So the rules are if I find something I can’t live without and it runs out I can only repurchase if I use up or donate all alternative products in my stash.

My bookshelf is also pretty full, but it’s books I haven’t yet read. So rather than culling I am going to try and read my bookshelf this year then consider if a book is worth a re read before I put it back. 

My kitchen is quite clear but as the girls grow up I need to remain in top of clearing baby items. Same goes for my linen cupboard. The only extra is baby stuff we use currently but won’t in a couple of years. I would really like to gradually replace my bedding with much nice quality items and this will remain a goal with time.

The rest of the house is in pretty good shape but I am going over it all in 30 days as outlined. Having less means easier cleaning and organization!

Do you cull?



The challenges of two under two 

I don’t want to write about dirty nappies, lack of sleep and babies crying. I just don’t, it bores me, it is hard at times but I decided to have two kids and it’s just for now. 

I also don’t want to moan about doing it alone, I don’t, my husband works away so I can be home with the girls and honestly it’s a privilege not a right in current society to be home and watch them grow.

What I do want to mention is the challenges which have suprised me since becoming a mum. 

The lack of calm- some days it all runs smoothly but rarely is there the calm and peace I used to find from a morning cleaning and an afternoon spent on a sofa, in a clean house, with a candle lit. My house is pretty clean but it’s not calm any more there is always toy clutter, laundry clutter, dishes clutter. It’s only once everyone is asleep at night do I have a chance to restore a clutter free home, then I drop asleep myself. Who knew enjoying a calm and clean home was a luxury I loved? Not I.

A lack of quiet. Now there are two I am rarely alone. Naps rarely co incide and someone always needs you. Don’t get me wrong I don’t wish to be alone but peace and quiet is what restores my energy. Some people love a social event, I get my energy from the quiet moments when I am alone.

No time for hobbies. We do lovely things, we really do, and I have a lovely life. I have played with makeup and done things like that but I miss true hobbies and creativity. Not snatched moments. At the moment I am enjoying snapping away with my iPhone, maybe i will try the big camera? Maybe I will incorporate it to our adventures? Maybe I will write a little here also? There needs to be no purpose other than me enjoying it.

To this end I have re- evaluated. Hubs is away now for two weeks and I need to get established in our life as three. I am trying to prioritise a quiet read, a clean home and enjoying it, quiet exercise ( like yoga), trying a new recipe, taking a few pictures and writing a few words. 

I’ve no idea how this will affect this blog or my life but it feels like it’s worth a try.

Turning 33

This week I turned 33. I have learned many lessons in life but I think my main one is that it’s the journey not the destination which brings happiness.

I am pretty happy overall with where my life is, as I turn 33, it’s not perfect but it’s on a path I am happy with and for that I am truly grateful.

Lottie raye 

     On December 22nd last year I got my best Christmas present ever! Lottie raye came along to complete my family. 
I adore Milly, her sister, she is so special to me. So spirited, funny, full on, energetic and my first born. 

Lottie is just as special. Named after one of the gentlest men to ever walk this planet she is so relaxed, beautiful in her peace, so serene, so smiley, she snuggles in when you cuddle her like no one else and honestly I am smitten. As her sister was special, for being the first, this little one has come and captured my heart for being the one that completed us. 

Lottie Raye I love you thank you for choosing our family x