Resolutions update

Basically the last week or so has been a big fat diet fail. Under prepped and over restricted doesn’t work for me. I can stick to limits in terms of points and also stick to no fodmaps but as soon as I try and so more I trip up….

So I have revised my thoughts….

No refined sugar
No refined carbs
No fodmap problem foods

I will still include some fresh fruit and dark chocolate when I want it.

I am still using chlorophyll to help alkaline myself and detox, I am only having one coffee per day and I still want to swap a few things


chobani flavored to chobani plain,

White gluten free bread to sprouted spelt bread.

I will also still try to give up fizzy drinks and sugar in things such as jelly etc. I am also definitely trying for meals to be 50% veg with some protein, fats and whole grains.

I should never have tried an overhaul… I should know slow and steady tweaks work for me!

So come Tuesday ( after a stick up of
Cupboards) I recommence… On the 8th… Quite timely as it is a month before my birthday.

For now I will be enjoying food, keeping low fodmap and not stressing if I am per points this week… I am still exercising and sometimes I think it bumps your metabolism to have a few more indulgent weeks.

Other resolutions still stand… Get to goal, natural products, running, health, balance and I am feeling good for the year. I have listened to my body and asked it questions… It tells me I need to body brush, walk, run, stretch (yoga), work hard, live well, rest well, eat well and love hard.. I am Listening!

How are you going with your resolutions?

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